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    of Sudbury should be divided into two towns, and it committee was appointed by the town to consider a ing, M'. Phinehas Glezen, M'. John Maynard and captain of it. His company consistel of forty-nine report deprives them of ail the gravel, and obliges them to lilailitaiil the sword on this day; their battalions were weak in Ezekiel How, Cap'. Richard Heard, M'. Nathan Lor- Isaac Cutting each commanded a company in 1778, whether it was the minds of the town, that the town tenant was Nathaniel Maynard and his ensign Na- this important position. Says Drake, " Brewer and than Rice to agree on a line of division. At the same tection. The only attempt that was made to construct East Sudbury. The proposition came before the town you being chosen a Coni'« by the Town of Sudbury to oppose a division three odock, at the eame place. ment of the obligations of the esst and we«t parts of this Town at llie Great *iii(l General C'oiiit of thid State to uppose .i Iii- dition to the other Grant of three Hundred Puunds to F.Duble their These soldiers did valiant services at the Battle of numbers, but, under the eye and example of such lack of breastwork protection ied those brave Middle- At a meeting held Jan. 1, 1779, the town appointed by petition of John Tilton and others, June 25, 1778, and in the muster-rolls presented to the town of Sud- mown hay that was scattered about the place ; but part of said Town are nearly double to that on the East. playing the utmost coolness and intrepidity under one half nt the Great Cuiisewaya oij the EiL-tt-rly part of said Town liot- Carry on said affair ; then adjourned this meeting to tomorrow, at the Bill for Dividing S"* Town ?Iay he set a tire or altred setting forth lating to Bai<l alTair as the 'J'own may think propel-, and ^rauc a Sniu of bury, of that year, we have given by these captains men when he reported lor duty .\pril 24th. His lieu- leaders, invincible." Coni'" to mm on paid Petition. under by a Division of said Town, a-s iepi,rled by s"* t'oni'«, viz. : as wild tbey were compelled to desist. But no exposure to and Brewer, " Braver officers did not unsheathe a M'. John Meriam." The committee reported that the West side of the Town as the report now Biands. Aleo, at faid ad- enemy advanced to the assault. The greater part, of extended it to within thirty rods of Prescott's line the ■\\ fsterly side for r Tmining-field (or Ever. the town. At an adjourned meeting, held March 14th, •with the Court, and an article was passed April 10, 132 names. gallantly served. Captains Nathanial Maynard and port of ilie Poor in Said Town whicli will l»e a %err>- heavj- burthen to " Said Report alao deprives them of the Pound, it also deprives them meeting measures were taken to petition the General lowing gentlemen to agree on a division line and re- they were prevented from the completion of evensach of s^i Town, as Loitely Reported by a Com'^ of the Hon'' General Court 427 the Great Disadvantages the Westerly part of the Town will Laltoiir plan for the division of properly and an equitable adjust- Bunker Hill. They were in the regiment of Colonel Money to Enable siild Com'" to Carry on Said Businees." town of Sudbury was divided, and the east side became , John Balcom, Capt. Richard Heard and Capt. Jona- was passed in the affirmative. And appiiinted the fol- "Tuesday, Decern' 7th. The Town met according to adjournment, Brewer, on the left of the American line to the north- these two battalions stood and fought here without and the town was warned tc meet at the West meetiug- granted the sum of three hundi-ed Pounds to Enable their Com''' to prominent citizens, their arguments did not prevail proceeded and gave their Com"* Chosen to opp<j.se a division of this joufDDient, the Town Granted thesnoi of three Hundred i»oundf, in ad- " And further, as tlieri- is nu provision nmde in ^aid report for Ihe Sup- But, notwithstanding the vigorous protest made by The meeting resulted as follows : WAYLAND. " You are hereby authorized and Instructed to preferr a Petition or withslaiiding the necessary repairs of Ihe >ligtiwa>8 on the westeily "ToCol". Ezekiel Howe, Th.,". Plympton, Esq. and 51'. Rice, Ju' , rail-fence and the earthwork. They also began the " •J''. To 6ee if llie towu will choose a CoinmiMee to act in beh.Tlf itf of this State. house December 6th, — Tiuion of 3** Town, and ;iive the foiii'" So chosen ^uch Insti'iiciion Re- As the war progressed the east side soldiers stiil "■_**'. Colonel Ezekiel Howe, M'. W'". Rice, Jiiu'. and Thomas Plynip- exposed; a piirt of the line had not the slightest pro- the fire of well-disciplined, veteran troops, and no " 1". To choose a inodertttor. nf a Traininjr-tield thouph Given hy the Proprietors of Said Town to the port at the adjournment of this meeting, viz. : Coloml cover throughout the action, both officers and men dis- erly of the summit. Their position was very much "1". ChoBe Asahel Wheeler moderator. Nixon immediately directed their march for the un- Major Joseph Curtis, Thomas Plympton, Esq., Mr. a slight breastwork as this. The foe advanced and a breastwork was by the gathering of some newly- ton, Edq., a conimi'tee for the Puriiose coittaiued in thisi article, and sex colonels and companies to turn from or abandon Town, Ac, the following Instructions, viz. : thaniel Reeves. "Then the town hy their vote dissolved this meeting." fire." The sime author also says of Gardiner, Nixon they were not agreed as to the line of division. 1780, which authorized a division of the town. A defended opening so often referred to between the memorial to the G<-neral Coun in behalf of Said Town. Praying Ihat in the east meeting-house. "The question w.os put construction of a hay breastwork, but when they had Court. Strong opposition at once manifested itself, IXCORPORATION OF E.^ST Sl'DBURY. — In 1780 the




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